Healthy eating and regular physical activity are essential to promoting and maintaining good health. The Smart Choices – Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy for Queensland Schools is all about offering healthy food and drink choices to students in Queensland schools.
Smart Choices applies to all situations where food and drink is supplied in the school environment including tuckshops, vending machines, school excursions, school camps, fundraising, classroom rewards, school events such as celebrations and sports days, and food used in curriculum activities.
Green—have plenty—these foods and drinks are encouraged and promoted in schools.
Amber—select carefully—these foods and drinks should not dominate choices and should be avoided in large serve sizes.
Red—occasional—the availability of these foods and drinks should be limited to no more than two occasions per term.
Using the Ready Reckoner
The Ready Reckoner lists food and drinks that are commonly supplier in school environments. The tables in the Ready Reckoner provide a guide to food and drinks commonly supplied in schools, and the category they are most likely to fit into. Circles in two columns indicate that varieties of foods and drinks in this category differ and and may fit into one or other of the categories shown.