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Eggs & Egg Products

Many schools have vegetable gardens and raise chickens, using the produce in the tuckshop. If your school is one, the following information is relevant to you. Where primary produce is grown at a school and made available for supply through the tuckshop or sale at events e.g. on market days or fetes, there may be a requirement for the school to be accredited depending on the produce involved. For example, if eggs produced from chickens at a school are to be used in the tuckshop the school needs to be registered with Safe Food Production Queensland and have a food safety program in place for the egg production process. This applies to all schools, both state and independent.

If your school is already involved in such activities or thinking of commencing such activities, you should contact Safe Food Production Queensland on 07 3253 9800 or 1800 300 815.

Safe Food Queensland: Eggs & Egg Products

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