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Policies and Procedures Resources

Why have policies and procedures in the tuckshop?

Murphy’s First Law states that “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong” and this a true adage in the school tuckshop.

As a rule, a policy sets out the “why” behind an action, while a procedure explains the “how”. They take the “personal” out of decisions and ways of doing things. They are what you fall back on instead of “well, we’ve just always done it that way”. They cover you when things go wrong; so it’s important to have them in place.

Every tuckshop needs policies and procedures to operate effectively and successfully. They guide how the tuckshop operates and can reduce the risk of liability. In addition, they promote consistency for both employees and the school community. It also helps when there is a change of staff.

The below policies and procedures are able to be personalised and modified to suit your unique business.

Policies and Procedures Resources

Every tuckshop needs policies and procedures to operate effectively and successfully. They guide how the tuckshop operates...


Effective communication between staff and the managing body is important in any organisation. Establish appropriate...


A risk assessment is a comprehensive review of your workplace to identify anything that may cause harm. Hazards can include...


Good workflow in the tuckshop is crucial. It ensures that food is fresh and attractive, reduces wastage and maximises the...


Why have goals? It is important to take the time to establish goals for your tuckshop. This could be done as part of a broader...


Man's hand puts pen to paper on a clipboard, to sign a form, make a list, or fill out information.
All incoming goods should be checked to ensure that it meets your criteria. If stock is received and is out of date, contaminated...


Green chili pepper and orange tomatoes on white ceramic plate
People who have an allergy can become sick when they come into contact with things that are harmless to most people. The...


Hand washing should be done thoroughly and often throughout the day: – Before you prepare any food In between handling...


Personal Hygiene Under the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code Food Safety Standard 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices...


Keeping high-risk foods under temperature control means minimizing time spent in the Danger Zone (5 to 60 degrees C). Part...


As a parent or carer, you can express dissatisfaction with the service or action of the Department of Education, such as...


Cleaning and sanitising are two different processes. Cleaning removes dirt, grease, and odours and sanitising reduces...


Some students will occasionally be in a position where they have no food to consume at school or resources to purchase food....


Performance Review
A performance review is a formal assessment in which a manager evaluates an employee’s work performance, identifies...


Some schools allow students to volunteer for a selection of jobs in the tuckshop. However, always check with your insurance...


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