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Healthier Tuckshops (FREE ACCESS) Resources

The Healthier Tuckshops program is a proud partnership between QAST and our funding partner, Health and Wellbeing Queensland.

The program is all about helping tuckshops serve healthy foods and drinks, in line with the Smart Choices strategy for Queensland schools. Available to all schools, the program offers a range of FREE online resources to help with healthy menu planning.

Healthier Tuckshops (FREE ACCESS) Resources

As your customers, it is crucial for parents, students and school staff to have their needs and preferences for the tuckshop...


Our passion is children’s nutrition. On any given weekday, our kids spend just as many waking hours at school as they do at...


Australia is turning green and gold on Friday, 2 August 2024, in support of the Australian sporting teams. Green & Gold...


Most school tuckshops sell a range of drinks. Drinks can be sold on their own, or as part of a meal deal or combo. Choosing the...


Our passion is children’s nutrition. On any given weekday, our kids spend just as many waking hours at school as they do at...


Are you interested in doing more to manage waste in your school tuckshop? Did you know that about one-third of all food produced...


Making healthy changes doesn’t need to mean a completely new menu. It’s possible to offer tasty, nutritious alternatives...


Anyone who has worked in a tuckshop will know timelines are significantly compressed compared to other foodservice operations,...


Do you serve coated chicken products in your tuckshop? Coated chicken products include (but aren’t limited to): Chicken...


Keen to develop or update your tuckshop menu but have no idea where to start? Healthy and profitable menus don’t need to be...


Keen to make your tuckshop menu healthier and have no idea where to start? Healthy and profitable menus don’t need to be...


An inclusive tuckshop menu is one that caters for the entire school community.   Children follow special diets for many...


Coffee and coffee-style drinks contain caffeine and there are no clear guidelines around a safe level of caffeine consumption...


Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in Australia, so it’s important to understand its different dietary...


The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend eating dairy foods every day. The foods and drinks in this group are excellent...


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