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Blue Card Services

To work or volunteer in regulated child-related employment or operate a regulated child-related business in Queensland, you may need a blue card.

If you do need one, you must have it before you start working with children—under the No Card, No Start laws that started on 31 August 2020.

You can apply for a blue card before you find work. Having a blue card means you can start in child-related employment without delay.

Volunteer and student blue cards continue to be free; however, you need to be linked to an organisation to have the fee waived.

You will need a blue card if your work is at a school and includes:

  • providing services to children
  • conducting activities with children

This applies to all paid tuckshop staff.

A parent who is volunteering at their child’s school (unless they are a restricted person, who cannot rely on this exemption) do not need a blue card to volunteer at a school.

Please note: Some schools do require volunteers to have a Blue Card, this is a school based decision.

If you are volunteering at a school that your child does not attend, you will need a blue card.

Visit the link for more information on blue card requirements in a school setting.

Visit the link to apply for a blue card.


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